Salila Sataun gegelutan dina dunia Online jeng patner Google Adsense,  tapi urang kudu inget kana papatah dimana aya pertemuan pasti aya pipisahan.

Tepatna dina tanggal 25 Juni 2010 tepatna jam 22:09 Si Cinta Ngirimkeun Surat anu esina ku esina ku kuring te kaharti da kuring mah bodo kana bahasa urang barat, ari hayang apal mah kieu esina teh (surat pemutusan cinta ti google adsense).

After reviewing our records, we've determined that your AdSense account
poses a risk of generating invalid activity. Because we have a
responsibility to protect our AdWords advertisers from inflated costs due
to invalid activity, we've found it necessary to disable your AdSense
account. Your outstanding balance and Google's share of the revenue will
both be fully refunded to the affected advertisers.

Please understand that we need to take such steps to maintain the
effectiveness of Google's advertising system, particularly the
advertiser-publisher relationship. We understand the inconvenience that
this may cause you, and we thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

meni sedih merenung sapopoe, te bisa sare , tapi da mungkin tina di blokir ieu aya hikmahna


10 Responses so far.

  1. Sing sabar kang.Pasti aya hikmah na bade kmh2 oge

  2. Beu! Wayahnya sajah, Kang!

  3. Azgi says:

    jembar hate we kang nya, mangga atuh kang linggih ka blog simkuring

  4. Anonymous says:

    Eta teh perkawis naon nya?

    Punten ah rada-rada teungar tos (teu ngartos) sakedik....

  5. he hee hee, matur nuhun atas dukunganna
    ciburuan lah eumah masalah naon wae pokonamah nyeri hate wae ,,

  6. Anonymous says:

    sing sabarnya kang....
    pasti aya nu lwih alus mtak ktu ge eta mah teu acn mlik na...
    Izin Follow nya kang....??

  7. Anonymous says:

    Silahkan download disini aksara sunda versi Jepang.

    creator: Randy

  8. selamat pagi sobat. selamat menjalankan aktivitasnya hari ini.

    mohon dukungannya yah dikontes seo faceblog.. langsung kunjungi blog saya di link dibawah ini :

    Mohon komentarnya yah sobat
    Happy blogging

  9. Joe says:

    Ah bener, si google mah meni siga nu kekih ka urang Indonesia teh. hehe...

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